A genoux petits Blancs ! 2020 année parodique, apocalyptique et fallacieuse…

« Faisons un rêve… Pour Miles Mathis, l’assassinat de Floyd (la victime et cause des pseudo-émeutes) est un Fake de plus ; comme son billet de vingt dollars, les tas de briques empilées, la démission Apollo, le 9.11., le virus tueur, les ADM et tout le reste. Acteur porno, colosse, collègue de son meurtrier Chauvin (!), et puis quoi encore : il meurt à cause du genou sur la nuque (à genoux petits blancs !). Tout cela fait de cette année une année parodique, apocalyptique et fallacieuse ; une parfaite démonstration de satanisme à la mode de Guénon et de Debord. Le monde moderne est immatériel et virtuel, une scène de théâtre depuis Shakespeare et l’ère baroque, pas vrai ? Miles : This is getting ridiculous. Sauvons nos âmes alors et oublions. « L’histoire un cauchemar dont je tente de m’éveiller – “History, Stephen said, is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.” (Joyce). »

Nicolas Bonnal, le 7 juin 2020

Le Magicien d’Oz est nu, ou l’échec de la propagande


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A propos Olivier Demeulenaere

Olivier Demeulenaere, 58 ans Journaliste indépendant Macroéconomie Macrofinance Questions monétaires Matières premières
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13 commentaires pour A genoux petits Blancs ! 2020 année parodique, apocalyptique et fallacieuse…

    • zorba44 dit :

      Brutes épaisses …ces flics sont dix étages plus bas que des porcs, sans intelligence ces flics …oui des brutes épaisses.

      Et il faut comprendre que ces dérives mortelles peuvent toucher n’importe lequel d’entre nous, n’importe quelle famille.

      Jean LENOIR

  1. zorba44 dit :

    Cela devient trop intello pour le signataire… lequel ne suit plus les tenants et aboutissants, Il en reste à la version Soros !

    Jean LENOIR

    • En quoi est-ce incompatible avec Soros ?

      Au contraire…

    • Danse dit :

      Le mot clef est DEEP FAKES :

      How Government and Media Are Prepping America for a Failed 2020 Election
      Headlines such as “Hackers Are Coming for the 2020 Election — And We’re Not Ready,” “Basically Every US National Security Leader Is Warning About Foreign Interference In The 2020 Election,” and “U.S. intel agencies: Russia and China plotting to interfere in 2020 election” have become increasingly common, despite no available evidence, as have warnings that the American public is defenseless against the old scourge of “fake news” and the new scourge of “DEEP FAKES.” Some media reports have gone so far to say that actual foreign meddling isn’t even necessary as merely the fear of foreign meddling could be enough to upend the American political system beyond repair.

      Historically, the goal of such fear-inducing narratives has been the trading of civil liberties for increased security, or rather, the appearance of increased security. Yet, when the need for security is felt due to a fear that is based on government-driven speculation and not on evidence, the goal of that narrative is not about protecting the public from a real, tangible threat but instead about the consolidation of power by the very groups responsible for crafting it — in this case, the intelligence community and other key players in the national security state.

      However, what is particularly odd about this narrative surrounding imminent “chaos” and meddling in the upcoming 2020 election is the fact that, not only have the instruments of said meddling been named and described in detail, but their use in the election was recently simulated by a company with deep ties to both U.S. and Israeli intelligence. That SIMULATION, organized and run by the Israeli-American company Cybereason, ended with SCORES OF AMERICANS DEAD, the CANCELLATION OF THE 2020 ELECTION, the imposition of MARTIAL LAW and a spike in fear among the American populace.

      Many of the technologies used to create that chaotic and horrific scenario in the Cybereason simulation are the very same technologies that U.S. federal officials and corporate media outlets have promoted as the core of the very toolkit that they claim will be used to undermine the coming election, such as DEEP FAKES and hacks of critical infrastructure, consumer devices and even vehicles.
      While the narrative in place has already laid the blame at the feet of U.S. rival states China, Russia and Iran, these very technologies are instead dominated by companies that are tied to the very same intelligence agencies as Cybereason, specifically ISRAELI MILITARY INTELLIGENCE.
      Well before this type of rhetoric made its way into the U.S. media, Israeli intelligence-linked tech firm Cybereason claiming in a release on its website that “MESSING WITH A VOTER’S MIND” would have a bigger impact than changing vote totals, even before the 2016 election. That release, published by Cybereason prior to the last presidential election, was authored by the company’s CEO, Lior Div, who used to lead offensive hacking operations against nation-states for Israeli military intelligence.
      Notably, of all of these media reports, there is a clear consensus that one of the main tactics that will soon be used to meddle in the coming U.S. election will be the use of so-called “DEEP FAKES.”

      Deriving its name from a combination of “deep learning” and “fake,” DEEP FAKES INVOLVE VIDEO AND AUDIO THAT HAS BEEN MANIPULATED USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) to create media that appears to be authentic, but is not. Concern about its use in the upcoming election has spurred not only a wealth of media reports on the matter but has prompted both the U.S. military and Congress to take action to limit its potential misuse.

      One thing that stands out about the media narrative regarding election meddling and deep fakes is that several news organizations have published articles that state that DEEP FAKES WILL BE USED to undermine the 2020 election, as opposed to stating that they could be used or that they are a phenomenon worthy of attention (though some reports have taken this more measured approach).

      The reason for this level of confidence may owe to statements made by prominent U.S. intelligence officials last year, including those made by Dan Coats, the former Director of National Intelligence (DNI), who claimed in the 2019 Worldwide Threat Assessment for the U.S. Intelligence Community (https://www.odni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/2019-ATA-SFR—SSCI.pdf) that DEEP FAKES and other HI-TECH FORMS OF FAKE MEDIA would be used to disrupt the 2020 election. Coats specifically stated:
      « Adversaries and strategic competitors probably will attempt to use deep fakes or similar machine-learning technologies to create convincing—but false—image, audio, and video files to augment influence campaigns directed against the United States and our allies and partners. »

      Since Coats made the warning, numerous media reports have promoted the concern with little scrutiny, representing just one of the numerous times in U.S. history where narratives first authored by U.S. intelligence are subsequently promoted heavily by U.S. media, even when the claim made by intelligence officials is speculative, as it is in this case. Indeed, the narratives being promoted with respect to the 2020 election involve many of the same intelligence agencies (American and Israeli) and media outlets who promoted claims that were later proven false about “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq prior to the 2003 invasion, among other pertinent examples.

      Notably, deep fakes figured prominently and was the tool most used by malevolent hackers in CYBEREASON’S 2020 ELECTION SIMULATION,
      which saw both video and audio-only DEEP FAKES used to spread misinformation on national and local TV channels in order to impersonate police officers and election officials and TO CREATE FAKE BOMB THREATS by posing as the terror group Daesh (ISIS). CYBEREASON also happens to be A PARTNER OF THE ORGANIZATION FUNDING THE MOST WELL-KNOWN CREATOR AND PRODUCER OF DEEP FAKES IN THE WORLD, an organization that — much like Cybereason itself — is OPENLY TIED TO ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE.

      Aside from deep fakes, other technologies weaponized in Cybereason’s election simulation have also been the subject of several media reports, such as the hacking of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and appliances and even the hacking of vehicles that have some form of internet connectivity. In the Cybereason simulation, IoT hacks were used TO CUT POWER TO POLLING STATIONS and DISSEMINATE DISINFORMATION while VEHICLES WERE HACKED TO CONDUCT TERROR ATTACKS against civilians waiting in line to vote, killing several and injuring hundreds.

      Most media reports have claimed that these technologies will be part of the coming “explosion” in cyber warfare in 2020 and do not specifically link them to imminent election meddling. Others, however, have made the link to the election explicit.

      In addition to the apparent consensus on how foreign meddling will occur during the 2020 election, there is also agreement regarding which countries will be responsible. Again, this is largely based on statements made by U.S. national security officials. For instance, the joint statement issued last November by the DOJ, DOD, DHS, DNI, FBI, NSA, and CISA regarding 2020 election security, states that “RUSSIA, CHINA, IRAN, and other foreign malicious actors all will seek to interfere in the voting process or influence voter perceptions” before adding “at this time we have no evidence.”
      Also notably absent from media reports is the fact that WikiLeaks revealed in 2017 that the CIA had stockpiled a library of “stolen” cyberattack techniques produced in other nations, including Russia and Iran. Those revelations, part of the Vault 7 release, revealed that the CIA’s UMBRAGE group was capable of “misdirect[ing] attribution [for cyberattacks actually done by the CIA] by leaving behind the ‘fingerprints’ of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from.” In other words, the CIA was more than capable of conducting “false flag” cyber attacks and blaming them on foreign actors.

      Notably, one of the viruses being blamed on Iran for cyberattacks targeting the U.S. ahead of the 2020 election — called Shamoon — was “stolen” by the CIA’s UMBRAGE and cited in the WikiLeaks release.

      Conflict of interest-ridden MICROSOFT “defends democracy”
      Last year saw the tech behemoth Microsoft join the effort to blame foreign state actors, specifically Iran, for cyberattacks against the U.S. This helped to bolster assertions that had largely originated with a handful of U.S. intelligence officials and hawkish, neoconservative-aligned think tanks as media reports on Microsoft’s related claims treated the company as an independent private sector observer.

      Yet, as MintPress investigations have revealed, MICROSOFT has clear conflicts of interest with respect to election interference. Its “Defending Democracy” program has spawned tools like “NewsGuard” and “ElectionGuard” that it claims will help protect U.S. democracy, but — upon closer examination — instead have the opposite effect.

      Last January, MintPress exposed NewsGuard’s neoconservative backers and how special interest groups were backing the program in an effort to censor independent journalism under the guise of the fight against “fake news.” Subsequent investigations revealed the RISK THAT MICROSOFT’S ELECTIONGUARD POSES TO U.S. VOTING MACHINES, which it claims to make more secure and how the platform was DEVELOPED BY COMPANIES CLOSELY TIED TO THE PENTAGON’S INFAMOUS RESEARCH BRANCH DARPA AND ISRAELI MILITARY INTELLIGENCE UNIT 8200.

  2. MJ dit :

    @Abroz et Danse,
    vous avez certainement des choses très intéressantes à raconter mais s’il vous plait, faites le en français. vous pouvez bien sur donner les liens vers les sites anglophones, mais ce blog est jusqu’à présent francophone.
    de plus, pas la peine de copier coller le contenu des articles, mettez simplement l’url. et idéalement, et c’est là qu’est la valeur ajoutée, mettez votre commentaire. c’est ce qui incite (ou pas) à ouvrir le lien.

    • Abroz60 dit :

      On va essayer mais je suis suisse allemand.. 🙂
      Deepl.com est un bon outil pour la traduction.

    • Danse dit :

      Aucun problème : n’hésitez pas à me dire à quelle adresse je dois vous envoyer les extraits (non, je ne colle PAS en principe les articles entiers) pour que vous puissiez en faire la traduction gracieusement.
      Il y a URGENCE actuellement à passer certaines informations vitales directement, après il sera trop tard.

      Je mets mon commentaire quand il ajoute quelque chose à l’article ou en donne une synthèse en français. Dans les extraits ci-dessus, l’essentiel est dit pour comprendre la notion de deep fake.
      Puisque manifestement vous avez du temps pour commenter sur la forme des travaux finis, n’hésitez surtout pas à l’utiliser pour commenter sur le fond.

  3. JaKo dit :

    Joker ! Je suis africain et blanc : dois-je mettre un seul genou à terre et si oui, lequel ?

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